The Graduate Life Center (GLC)
The GLC brings graduate academics, community and residence life together in a way you won't find anywhere else in the nation.
Located near the Newman Library, Squires Student Center, academic buildings, and downtown Blacksburg, the GLC provides spaces, services, housing, and programming that meet the unique needs of graduate and professional students and encourage their active participation in the graduate community.
GLC Services and Support
GLC Weekly
Stay up-to-date on events, services and opportunities for graduate students through the GLC Weekly listserv and blog posting.
Messages are posted on Mondays.
Graduate students and departments may submit items for posting by Friday before the Monday on which the posting is to appear by using this form:
Student Support
Take advantage of the many support services for graduate students
GLC Spotlight
The Graduate School at Virginia Tech celebrates students each year during Graduate Education Week. Among the honorees are students of the year. In 2016, Richard Rodrigues and Mary Tackett were named students of the year.

2021 Service Excellence Winner
The Graduate School at Virginia Tech celebrates students each year during Graduate Education Week. Adam Masters received the Service Excellence Award for 2020-2021.
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